MSF Blog

Accessing moisture in the northern Mallee – maximising growth in a dry year

By |2024-09-10T22:12:28+09:3010 September 2024|MSF Blog|

At Mallee Sustainable Farming (MSF), our field days are designed to bring the latest research and practical insights directly to the farming community. A key focus of these events has been the demonstration of different soil amelioration practices and their potential to improve crop emergence and yield on challenging sandy soils, typical of the Mallee region.

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Carbon Farming in the spotlight

By |2024-08-30T20:31:49+09:3030 August 2024|MSF Blog|

At Mallee Sustainable Farming (MSF), our field days are designed to bring the latest research and practical insights directly to the farming community. A key focus of these events has been the demonstration of different soil amelioration practices and their potential to improve crop emergence and yield on challenging sandy soils, typical of the Mallee region.

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Maximising Crop Yields Through Soil Amelioration: Insights from MSF Field Days

By |2024-08-29T14:52:31+09:3021 August 2024|MSF Blog|

At Mallee Sustainable Farming (MSF), our field days are designed to bring the latest research and practical insights directly to the farming community. A key focus of these events has been the demonstration of different soil amelioration practices and their potential to improve crop emergence and yield on challenging sandy soils, typical of the Mallee region.

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Innovative chaff heap mulching for saline land at Minnipa

By |2024-08-21T14:22:59+09:309 August 2024|MSF Blog|

In our latest podcast episode, developed as part of the Future Drought Fund project 'Building resilience to drought with landscape scale remediation of saline land,' we had the opportunity to speak with Bruce Heddle, a farmer near Minnipa. Bruce shared his experiences and insights on an innovative method to manage dry saline soils using chaff heaps as mulch to re-establish cover and promote crop growth.

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Transforming saline soils with sand mulch

By |2024-08-21T14:23:11+09:301 August 2024|MSF Blog|

In our latest podcast episode, developed as part of the Future Drought Fund project 'Building resilience to drought with landscape scale remediation of saline land,' we had the opportunity to visit Tristan Baldock's farm at Buckleboo. The focus of our discussion was on innovative approaches to managing saline soils, particularly the use of sand

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Stony dry saline land restored to full production with sand mulch

By |2024-08-21T14:23:37+09:3023 July 2024|MSF Blog|

The Challenge of Saline Soils - Saline soils pose a significant challenge to farmers, reducing crop yields and making land unproductive. However, innovative techniques can transform these lands back into productive farmland. David Schmidt's farm in Waikerie, South Australia, provides a compelling example of how sand mulch can rejuvenate saline soils and boost agricultural productivity.

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Embracing Fence-Free Livestock Management

By |2024-08-21T14:23:48+09:3010 July 2024|MSF Blog|

For years, farmers have been eagerly awaiting advancements in virtual fencing technology, hoping to revolutionise livestock management and eliminate the need for traditional fences. This transformative technology promises to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance environmental sustainability. But the big question remains: How much closer are we to seeing virtual fencing in a commercial setting, especially for sheep?

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Boosting Emergence: The Power of Long Coleoptiles

By |2024-08-21T14:24:00+09:309 July 2024|MSF Blog|

In the quest for better crop establishment and resilience in challenging environments, work continues to explore the potential of long coleoptile varieties. This innovation could provide another tool in tool kit for improving crop establishment outcomes the Mallee region and beyond.

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Pioneering safer farming with strip amelioration

By |2024-08-21T14:24:15+09:304 July 2024|MSF Blog|

Farming in the Mallee region presents unique challenges, particularly due to high erosion risks and non-wetting sands. Traditional soil amelioration methods often exacerbate these problems, leaving fields vulnerable to wind erosion. However, a new soil amelioration method, strip amelioration, is emerging as a promising solution to fixing these sandy soils issues.

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Weed management strategies in dry seasons

By |2024-08-21T14:24:45+09:3028 June 2024|MSF Blog|

Managing weeds in dry seasons can be challenging for farmers, especially with a late season start. At our recent ‘Navigating the dry start ‘webinar, we were joined by Dr Chris Preston, Professor of Weed Management at Adelaide University who provided some key strategies and insights for effective weed management under these conditions.

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