Privacy Policy

Mallee Sustainable Farming Inc. (MSF) values and is committed to protecting the information it collects, monitoring its use and maintaining its integrity.

MSF Inc. is a not-for-profit incorporated organisation under Victorian Legislation.
ADDRESS: 7B Byrne Ct Mildura 3500
WEBSITE NAME: Mallee Sustainable Farming


The purpose of the Information Privacy Policy is to document how MSF will comply with its obligations under the Information Privacy Act 2000 (Victoria) and protect the privacy of the personal information that it holds.

The Information Privacy Policy applies to Directors, Management and all employees and contractors engaged by MSF.


“Personal Information” -Personal information is information about a person whether fact or opinion from which a person’s identity could reasonably be ascertained. The amount and type of personal information MSF collects depends upon the nature of the relationship with a person and their requirements of MSF.


Personal information will only be collected for the purpose of the organisation’s operations and providing membership services. This information will only be obtained voluntarily.

By giving personal information,individuals are consenting to the use of this information in accordance with the principles outlined in this Information Privacy Policy.

Where personal information is provided by a third party (such as a family member) MSF will advise the person and seek consent prior to storing the data.

Information is collected wherever possible from a person directly. Our aim is to collect it lawfully, fairly and without undue intrusion. At the time the information is collected,MSF will advise of the purpose for which the information is collected, of any other organisations that may have access to the information, any law that requires the information to be collected and whether there are any consequences of not providing the information.

If MSF needs to collect sensitive personal information about a person(that is information about property or business details, racial or ethnic origin, or criminal record) their consent willbe sought to do so. Such information would only be used in aggregated form for planning & reporting purposes


Name-First and Last”
Phone number
Email address
Postal address
Property address/ GPS info


Membership registration
Information provision
Research, project & trial activities


Information is stored and maintained securely with restricted access

Use and Disclosure
MSF will only use and disclose personal information:

Data quality
MSF will seek wherever possible to ensure that the personal information they collect, use or disclose is accurate, complete and up-to-date. In many instances MSF relies upon a person to provide accurate and complete information and to advise MSFshould their circumstances change over time.

Data security
MSF will endeavour to protect personal information from misuse, loss, unauthorised access, modification or disclosure and securely destroy or de-identify personal information when it is no longer needed for any purpose.

MSF has documented its policy on management of personal information and upon request will provide a copy of the Information Privacy Policy and/or Privacy Statement.

Access and correction
Individuals may request access to their personal information held by MSF and request corrections. Requests to access to personal information should be in writing to MSF at or PO Box 843, IrympleVic 3498. MSF will endeavour to process requests within 20 working days from receipt.

Unique identifiers
MSF may assign a unique identifier to an individual in order to identify the person for the purposes of the organisation’s operations. Unique identifiers assigned by MSF will not be shared with external parties.

MSF will give individuals the option of not identifying themselves when entering transactions with the organisation if that would be lawful and feasible.

Interstate Transfer of Information
MSF is incorporated under Victorian legislation however its operations cover three States, South Australia, New South Wales as well as Victoria. To comply with Victorian Legislation only transfers personally identifying information outside the state of Victoria where this is required for the purpose for which it was collected and seeks to ensure it is afforded the same level of privacy protection it would receive in Victoria.

MSF is committed to providing a fair and responsible system for the handling of complaints from parties whose personal information is held. MSF will address any concerns through its complaints handling processes. Concerns regarding the way MSF has handled privacy should be directed in writing to MSF, or PO Box 843, IrympleVic 3498.


Information Privacy Act 2000 (Victoria)

Australia’s privacy Act 1988
MSF Inc Constitution
Membership registration procedure & forms

WEB LINKS$FILE/00-098a.pdf


The Executive Chair is responsible for ensuring that this policy, associated procedures and forms are kept up-to-date, circulated to relevant personnel and meet review dates.