Mallee farmers, agricultural consultants and advisers from across SA, Victoria and NSW are being invited to attend one of the many technical update workshops and field events linked to Mallee Sustainable Farming’s new initiative FarmFEST ‘23 that is being held during February and March this year.
“FarmFEST ‘23 is an exciting new approach to promoting and inviting farmers to select one or two key events where they can gain the latest technical information and research results relevant to their farming business. Mallee Sustainable Farming are proud to host over 15 different events across three states”, according to MSF’s Board Chair Nicole Byrnes.
“The events also allow our research partners such as Michael Moodie from Frontier Farming to share their expertise and key results coming from on-farm trials and demo’s” said Nicole.
Examples of topics to be covered in FarmFEST ‘23 include the famous MSF research updates, developing variable rate technologies for Mallee farms, livestock nutrition updates, practical on-farm demonstrations of new weed smart spray technologies, soil amelioration for the Mallee and more.
According to MSF’s FarmFEST ’23 Coordinator and Project Manager Tanja Morgan, “The 2022-23 harvest has been crazy in terms of delays and the extra time taken to harvest some near record crops for many farmers. With many soil profiles almost bursting at the seams with available soil moisture farmers will be on the front foot when it comes to sowing the 2023 crop as early as possible.”
“As a result of last season’s harvest there is less time to prepare and make critical decisions for the coming season’s crop and livestock program. MSF decided to host the 14 different events over a short window of time, so that farmers could get on with their 2023 cropping program with minimal disruption” said Tanja.
“The FarmFEST ’23 program provides a smorgasbord of different events that farmers farmers can simply pick and choose what events they consider to be most valuable. Each event will also include a social aspect where those attending can have a yarn and “chew the fat” and share their ideas and experiences from the event. Of course, information and key “take home messages” will be made available through the MSF website, social media and printed summaries” according to Tanja.
To register simply go to the MSF website events page and follow the prompts to find out more details and to register online through Eventbrite. All events are free to attend.
As a final word MSF’s Board Chair Nicole Byrnes encourages all farmers and advisers to become members of Mallee Sustainable Farming. “It’s free and you will have exclusive access to all MSF news, information and advanced notice of our events, simply log onto our website and join up” concluded Nicole.