Mallee farmers will have the opportunity to learn about the latest in weed management technology when the AgriFutures funded ‘Future of Weed Detection’ Expo takes place at Karoonda, next Tuesday 6th September.
The event is hosted by Mallee Sustainable Farming in response to local requests for more information in this space. As the cost of all farm inputs is rising, growers are looking to invest in technologies that will help them stay highly efficient, profitable, and sustainable.
The last decade has seen a sharp increase in the number of weed detection technologies coming into the marketplace. The upfront investment in new machinery is high however the long-term efficiencies that can be made, make the purchase of weed detection units an attractive and economically viable proposition. However, now growers are faced with the question of which one to choose?
“We were approached by local growers wanting more information and some expert guidance in this space”, said MSF Extension Officer Kylie Matthewson. “The AgriFutures Producer Technology Uptake Program was the perfect opportunity to bring experts and machinery dealers together in one place and we were fortunate enough to secure funding to bring this event to the region”.
The day will begin at the Karoonda Football Clubrooms at 8.30am for registrations with a 9am start. The events is fully catered, and will finish at 3pm.
Agricultural Engineer, Ben White will be over from WA and will be facilitating the event that includes a deep dive into a range of weed tech units with invited speakers and machinery dealers including the OpenWeedLocator (OWL system), Bilberry System, Weedetect, WEED-IT, WeedSeeker®, See & Spray TM , Geoselect units and a weed management by drone demonstration.
Anyone interested in attending the event can register via the MSF website https://msfp.org.au/event/agrifutures-expo-for-future-weed-detection/
Registration is free.
For more information please contact MSF Project & Communication Manager Tanja Morgan, 0429 395 918 or tanja.morgan@msfp.org.au