Based on your decisions above the suggested action that you could take is displayed below.
Establishing a shrub-pasture mix
Many Mallee farms have areas of land that are unproductive for cropping but will still support forage shrubs and some level of pasture production. In this situation, the under-storey pastures provide the bulk of the feed on offer, and the shrubs provide a complementary source of crude protein and minerals.
- Farmers typically use Old Man Saltbush but can also consider newer varieties like Anameka and Eyres Green that are more productive but don’t self seed. Consider River Saltbush on waterlogged saline sites, or Mallee Saltbush on very sandy sites.
- Shrubs can be established in blocks or alleys
- With alleys, consider the width needed for machinery access down the inter-row so that grazing crops or pastures can be sown.
Looking for more resources?
Download the following fact sheets to learn more information about establishment, management, and control of shrubs.
Guide to Establishing Forage Shrubs
Critical success factors in successful shrub pasture systems
Selecting the best forage shrubs for your environment
Why grow a mixture of forage shrubs and pasture species?