Mallee Seeps Decision Tree

An interactive tool for the identification and rehabilitation of Mallee Seeps

5 steps to assess and fix Mallee Seeps?

Watch consultant, Dr Chris McDonough, talk through the steps you need to go through to arrive at the best management decisions. 

  1. Is it a Mallee Seep?
  2. Where is the excess water coming from?
  3. What stage of development is it at?
  4. How saline is the perched water table?
  5. What can I do to the fix the problem?

What is a Mallee Seep?

A Mallee Seep is an area affected by a localised perched water table that brings water and salt to the surface soil layers that can result in surface ponding and bare saline scalding over time.

This should not be confused with other forms saline land degradation, such as:

as each has unique critical driving factors and therefore require different management strategies to overcome them.

The first thing you should do is determine whether you have a Mallee Seep. Click the link below to read our quick guide on how to accurately identify a Mallee Seep.



  • How to establish a peizometer and monitor water levels over time
  • How to use satellite NDVI to assess and better manage Mallee Seep sites
  • Tips for establishing puccinellia and tall wheat grass
  • Tips for strategic lucerne establishment and management.
  • Tips for establishing salt tolerant trees


This project is supported by Mallee Sustainable Farming with funding from the Australain Government’s National Landcare Program and the Grains Research Development Corporation and the Murraylands and Riverland Landscapes Board.