soil amelioration

Carbon Farming in the spotlight

By |2024-08-30T20:31:49+09:3030 August 2024|MSF Blog|

At Mallee Sustainable Farming (MSF), our field days are designed to bring the latest research and practical insights directly to the farming community. A key focus of these events has been the demonstration of different soil amelioration practices and their potential to improve crop emergence and yield on challenging sandy soils, typical of the Mallee region.

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Maximising Crop Yields Through Soil Amelioration: Insights from MSF Field Days

By |2024-08-29T14:52:31+09:3021 August 2024|MSF Blog|

At Mallee Sustainable Farming (MSF), our field days are designed to bring the latest research and practical insights directly to the farming community. A key focus of these events has been the demonstration of different soil amelioration practices and their potential to improve crop emergence and yield on challenging sandy soils, typical of the Mallee region.

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Optimising Soil Amelioration Costs in Typical Mallee Soils

By |2023-04-03T10:58:52+09:303 April 2023|Projects|

Trials at Walpeup (VIC Mallee) and Parrakie (SA Mallee) are putting a range of ripping tines, accessories and delving tines to the test on compacted deep sands. By quantifying draft force and soil loosening, researchers can calculate the efficiency of ripping tines and other soil amelioration tools. Roughly, the more soil loosened for every unit of draft force, the more efficient the equipment is.

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