Mallee Sustainable Farming


Deep ripping to enhance production on Mallee Sandy Soils

ABOUT the project

Deep sandy Mallee soils are poor performing and highly susceptible to soil erosion. However, recent findings from local research activities have shown that crop productivity on these soils can be significantly enhanced through the implementation of deep ripping.

Deep ripping reduces the soils penetration resistance allowing the roots to grow deeper into the soil and access soil water and nutrients that were not accessed be before. This enhances the productivity of the crop and local trials have measured a 40-100% increase in crop growth and yield.

The objective of this project is to increase productivity and groundcover on the Mallee regions deep sandy soils (sand dunes) through increased adoption of deep ripping. Several demonstration sites have been established with farmers in collaboration with industry experts to help address some key questions around deep ripping such as best timing, tyne spacing, depth of operation and the use of inclusion plates.   

Site Updates in South Australia

Trial Site Update 2021

Younghusband, SA

Trial Site Update 2021

Woodleigh, SA

Trial Site Update 2020

Woodleigh, SA

2019 Murrayville field day deep ripping
MSF - Deep Ripping
2020 Lameroo field day group cereal deep ripping
MSF- deep ripping
MSF - Deep ripping


Other Handy Resources

Economics of soil amelioration treatments (making sure it pays)

Presenter: Dr Rick Llewellyn, CSIRO.

How far can we push the benefits of deep ripping?

Presenter: Michael Moodie, Frontier Farming Systems

Deep Ripping Mallee Sandy Soils

Presenter: Chris Saunders, The University of South Australia

Project Supported by:

Thank you for your project contributions

The Nickolls family – Pinnaroo, SA.

The Lange family – Woodleigh, SA

The Stephens family – Younghusband, SA

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