In the latest MSF Farm Talk Podcast we catch up with two Pinnaroo farmers, Wade Nickolls and Skeet Lawson as well as Research Agronomist, Michael Moodie.

Wade and Skeet were involved in the Pinnaroo Pulse Check Group which is part of the GRDC Southern Pulse Extension Project which started in 2017 and has just wrapped up now after 3 years. There were two groups in the Victorian Mallee and two groups in the South Australian Mallee. The Southern Pulse Extension Project is proudly funded by GRDC, executed by MSF and led by Birchip Cropping Group.

In the second half of this episode, we caught up with MSF’s Key Research Agronomist, Michael Moodie, Frontier Farming Systems. Michael has been carrying out lots of research work across the Mallee and facilitating the Millewa Pulse Check Groups.

The Pulse Check groups allowed growers to network and compare their experiences, challenges and findings in their local area plus share practical knowledge to bridge gaps where research in the low-rainfall zone is lacking when it comes to pulses. Attendees varied between experienced pulse growers and those new to growing pulses in the Mallee.

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