dry conditions

Navigating a tough growing season – Insights from the Grain Legume Field Day at Loxton

By |2024-10-20T18:10:49+10:3020 October 2024|MSF Blog|

At Mallee Sustainable Farming (MSF), our field days are designed to bring the latest research and practical insights directly to the farming community. A key focus of these events has been the demonstration of different soil amelioration practices and their potential to improve crop emergence and yield on challenging sandy soils, typical of the Mallee region.

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Weed management strategies in dry seasons

By |2024-08-21T14:24:45+09:3028 June 2024|MSF Blog|

Managing weeds in dry seasons can be challenging for farmers, especially with a late season start. At our recent ‘Navigating the dry start ‘webinar, we were joined by Dr Chris Preston, Professor of Weed Management at Adelaide University who provided some key strategies and insights for effective weed management under these conditions.

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Improving Crop Establishment in Unpredictable Seasons with Long Coleoptile Wheat

By |2024-06-05T06:17:03+09:305 June 2024|MSF Blog|

Imagine a future where waiting for the autumn break is no longer a bottleneck for crop germination. Enter long coleoptile wheat varieties, presenting a unique opportunity for growers to establish a crop even when the weather seems uncooperative. These wheat varieties, with their elongated coleoptiles, have the potential to germinate from deeper within the soil, tapping into residual summer moisture and providing a lifeline for farmers in dry years.

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Can Legumes Catch Up After a Dry Start? Key Considerations for Farmers in the Mallee

By |2024-05-29T01:25:34+09:3029 May 2024|MSF Blog|

After an extended dry period with no significant rain, farmers in the Mallee region are facing the challenge of a late autumn break. With winter fast approaching, you might be wondering if legumes can still provide the benefits you’re looking for.The most critical thing with a late start is to give the establishing seedling the best possible chance for success. Early growth in a late start is critical, so careful consideration should be given to protecting the seedling and ensuring minimum risk of checking, damaging, or stressing the young crop.

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